Monthly Archives: December 2012

Our Top Show for 2012

Growing Consciousness – What Does It Mean to You?” is the number one Growing Consciousness radio episode of 2012.

Find out why this is the most listened to episode for 2012.

Listen now at:–what-does-it-mean-to-you

Thank You!

Growing Consciousness radio listeners and fans, thank you for your support, feedback, and positive energy throughout 2012.

Our live internet radio shows resume on Wednesday January 9, 2013.

We invite you to listen to the shows and to continue to share your thoughts, insights and beliefs with us by calling the radio show live, and by making Facebook, Twitter and website posts.

We look forward to continuing our journey of Growing our Consciousness with you in 2013.

Best wishes for 2013 and beyond!

– Tam & Dr Chan

“Through the Wormhole”

“Through the Wormhole” – one of Dr Chan’s  favourite series – showcases how scientific research (particularly in the Quantum Physics field) is beginning to explore, support and explain some spiritual principles.
Have you seen it?

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays!
May you find happiness, love, and peace with your family and loved ones this holiday and beyond.

Growing Consciousness on Facebook

Join the  discussion with fellow listeners and like-spirited thinkers  in the “Growing Consciousness” Facebook Group:

Follow us on Twitter

Follow “Growing Consciousness” radio on Twitter: @GrowinConscious

Celebrating Your Greatness 2012 – This one’s for you!

Tam and Dr Chan invite you to join them in giving thanks for the joys and achievements of 2012!

Celebrate you for overcoming those trials and for embodying the strength and courage to make it through!

Listen to the episode “Celebrating Your Greatness 2012 – This one’s for you!” now at:–this-ones-for-you

Holidays – Hurt or Happiness?

Do the holidays mean hurt or happiness to you?

Do you get the holiday blues, or feel stressed, overwhelmed, lonely or depressed during the holidays?

Or do the holidays inspire joy, merriment, love, gratitude, and cheerfulness?

How can the holidays have a deeper meaning? Can we find greater happiness during the holidays?

Co-hosts Tam and Dr Chan share their feelings and thoughts about the holidays on Growing Consciousness radio. Listen as Tam and Dr Chan suggest ways in which you can plot the path to deeper fulfillment and increased happiness over the holiday season:–hurt-or-happiness


Treasurin’ the Valley – Valuing “down” Time During the Climb

How often have you felt sad or low due to frustration/anger/disappointment…while keeping your eyes on the prize and actively pursuing your goal?

Did you allow yourself to linger in that state?
Did anything beneficial manifest from your time there?
Did anything renew your strength or inspire you to carry on along your way?

A valley can be a dark, scary and lonely place but CAN we discover paths to growing ourselves more consciously and abundantly from there?

Dr. Chan and Tam share their thoughts and their valley walks in this week’s episode of Growing Consciousness.

Growing Consciousness

Awaken your True Self by sharing with hosts, guests and fellow listeners on Growing Consciousness. Growing Consciousness takes you on an inner journey.